Tryout Support

This training introduces the basic workflow in AutoForm-TryoutAssistant for the tryout team. With AutoForm-TryoutAssistant those positive and negative measures which influence the forming result quickly become apparent during tryout, fully identifying problems. AutoForm-TryoutAssistant suggests geometry as well as process parameter modifications that are in line with the engineering requirements based on the process engineering simulation data coming from the process engineering department.

The following main topics are covered in detail during the training:

  • Efficient check of process parameters and die geometry before tryout start
  • Easy check of blank shape and dimensions as well as relative blank positioning
  • Recording of all significant data during tryout process and of each iteration
  • Comprehensive analysis of process parameters and corresponding geometry modifications


  • AutoForm-TryoutAssistant


The one-day training is intended for the tryout team. No prior knowledge of AutoForm is required.

USA: Training Courses

Trainings to be scheduled upon request. Please send us your filled in request for quotation and we will contact you.


755 W. Big Beaver Road Suite 300
Troy, MI 48084

Worldwide: Training Courses

Training courses are held at AutoForm’s offices in the USA, Germany, Spain, Italy, France, Japan, Korea as well as in other countries. Please contact your local AutoForm office for further information. Upon request, courses can also be held at customer sites.